2025 Publications
Patterson, R.G., Beja, J., Cronin, M.F., et al. (2025). Uncrewed Surface Vehicles in the Global Ocean Observing System: A New Frontier for observing and monitoring at the air-sea interface. Accepted by Frontiers in Marine Science. pdf
Fernando, H.J.S., Dorman, C., Pardyjak, E., et al. (2025). Fatima-GB: Searching Clarity within Marine Fog. Accepted by the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. pdf
Formby-Fernandez, A., Lenain, L., Pizzo, N., Dorman, C., Xie, S. (2025). Spatial and temporal structure of the fog life cycle over Atlantic Canada and the Grand Banks. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, e4953. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.4953. pdf
2024 Publications
Bardoel, S.L., Hoch, S., Ruiz-Plancarte, J., Lenain, L., Gultepe, I., Grachev, A.A., et al. (2024). Study of fog dissipation in an internal boundary layer on Sable Island. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.4891. pdf
Peyriere, H., Lenain, L., Grare, L., Statom, N., Pizzo, N., Farrar, J.T. (2024). Observations of near surface current profiles and their gradients from a fleet of autonomous surface vehicles. Submitted to the Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. pdf
Saenger, R., Lenain, L., Hodgkiss, W. (2024). Mid-frequency acoustic tracking of breaking waves. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, June 2024; 4 (6): 066001. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0026149. pdf
Andriatis, A., Lenain, L., Alford, M. H., Winstead, N., Geiman, J. (2024). Observations and numerical simulations of the onset and growth of Langmuir circulations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54, 1737-1763. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-24-0004.1. pdf
Blaser, A., Benamran, R., Villas Boas, A.B., Lenain, L., Pizzo, N. (2024). Momentum, energy and vorticity balances in deep-water surface gravity waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 997, A55. https://doi.org/doi:10.1017/jfm.2024.889. pdf
2023 Publications
Wagner, G., Pizzo, N., Lenain, L., Veron, F. (2023). Transition to turbulence in wind-drift layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 976, A8. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2023.920 cover image pdf
McAllister, M.L., Pizzo, N., Draycott, S., van der Bremer, T.S. (2023). The influence of spectral bandwidth and shape on deep-water wave breaking onset. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 974, A14. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2023.766 pdf
Saenger, R., Hodgkiss, W., Lenain L. (2023). Mid-frequency acoustic localization of breaking waves. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, 2564–2571. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0018414 pdf
Colosi, L., Pizzo, N., Grare, L., Statom, N., Lenain, L. (2023). Observations of surface gravity wave spectra from moving platforms. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 40, 1153–1169. https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-23-0022.1 pdf
Hodges, B. A., L. Grare, B. Greenwood, K. Matsuyoshi, N. Pizzo, N. M. Statom, J. T. Farrar, and L. Lenain. (2023). Evaluation of ocean currents observed from autonomous surface vehicles. Journal of Atmospheric Oceanic Technology, 40, 1121–1136. https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-23-0066.1 pdf
DeFilippis, J., Cornuelle, B., Lucas, A., Hodgkiss, W., Lenain, L., Kuperman, W., Alford, M. (2023). Observations and simulations of caustic formation due to oceanographic fine structure. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, 1372–1388. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0020830 pdf
Freilich, M., Lenain, L., Gille, S. (2023). Characterizing the role of non-linear interactions in the transition to submesoscale dynamics at a dense filament. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102468. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL103745 pdf
Lenain, L., Smeltzer, B. K., Pizzo, N., Freilich, M., Colosi, L., Ellingsen, S. Å., et al. (2023). Airborne remote sensing of upper-ocean and surface properties, currents and their gradients from meso to submesoscales. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102468. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL102468 pdf
Ho, A., Merrifield, S., & Pizzo, N. (2023). Wave–tide interaction for a strongly modulated wave field. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(3), 915-927. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-22-0166.1 pdf
Salmon R., Pizzo N. (2023). Two-dimensional flow on the sphere. Atmosphere, 14(4), 747. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14040747 https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2022.1036 pdf
Pizzo, N., Lenain, L., Rømcke, O., Ellingsen, S., & Smeltzer, B. (2023). The role of Lagrangian drift in the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of surface waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 954, R4. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2022.1036 pdf
2022 Publications
Vrećica, T., Pizzo, N., & Lenain, L. (2022). Airborne observations of shoaling and breaking internal waves. Geophysical Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL100622 pdf
Villas Bôas, A. B., Lenain, L., Cornuelle, B. D., Gille, S. T., & Mazloff, M. R. (2022). A broadband view of the sea surface height wavenumber spectrum. Geophysical Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021gl096699 pdf
Vrećica, T., Pizzo, N., & Lenain, L. (2022). Observations of strongly modulated surface wave and wave breaking statistics at a submesoscale front. Journal of Physical Oceanography. https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-21-0125.1 pdf
2021 Publications
Pizzo, N., Deike, L., & Ayet, A. (2021). How does the wind generate waves? Physics Today, 74(11), 38–43. https://doi.org/10.1063/pt.3.4880 pdf
Pizzo, N., Murray, E., Smith, D. L., & Lenain, L. (2021). The role of bandwidth in setting the breaking slope threshold of deep-water focusing wave packets. Physics of Fluids, 33(11), 111706. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0072166 pdf
Sinnis, J. T., Grare, L., Lenain, L., & Pizzo, N. (2021). Laboratory studies of the role of bandwidth in surface transport and energy dissipation of deep-water breaking waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 927. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2021.734 pdf
Haney, S. R., Simpson, A. J., McSweeney, J. M., Waterhouse, A. F., Haller, M. C., Lerczak, J. A., Barth, J. A., Lenain, L., Palóczy, A., Adams, K., & MacKinnon, J. A. (2021). Lifecycle of a submesoscale front birthed from a nearshore internal bore. Journal of Physical Oceanography. https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-21-0062.1 pdf
Pizzo, N., & Salmon, R. (2021). Particle description of the interaction between wave packets and point vortices. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 925. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2021.661 pdf
Lenain, L., & Pizzo, N. (2021). Modulation of surface gravity waves by internal waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography. https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-20-0302.1 pdf
Grare, L., Statom, N. M., Pizzo, N., & Lenain, L. (2021). Instrumented Wave Gliders for air-sea interaction and Upper Ocean Research. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.664728 pdf
Abdalla, S., et al. (2021). Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress. Advances in Space Research, 68(2), 319–363. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2021.01.022 pdf
Kumar, N., et al. (2021). The inner-shelf dynamics experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(5). https://doi.org/10.1175/bams-d-19-0281.1 pdf
2020 Publications
Farrar, J. T., et al. (2020). S-mode: The sub-mesoscale ocean dynamics experiment. IGARSS 2020 – 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. https://doi.org/10.1109/igarss39084.2020.9323112 pdf
Lenain, L., & Pizzo, N. (2020). The contribution of high-frequency wind-generated surface waves to the Stokes Drift. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50(12), 3455–3465. https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-20-0116.1 pdf
Pizzo, N. (2020). Theory of deep-water surface gravity waves derived from a Lagrangian. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 896. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2020.312 pdf
2019 Publications
Lenain, L., Statom, N. M., & Melville, W. K. (2019). Airborne measurements of surface wind and slope statistics over the Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(11), 2799–2814. https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-19-0098.1 pdf
Lenain, L., Pizzo, N., & Melville, W. K. (2019). Laboratory studies of lagrangian transport by breaking surface waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 876. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2019.544 pdf
Romero, L., Ohlmann, J. C., Pallàs-Sanz, E., Statom, N. M., Pérez-Brunius, P., & Maritorena, S. (2019). Coincident observations of dye and drifter relative dispersion over the inner shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(9), 2447–2468. https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-19-0056.1 pdf
Lerczak, J., et al. (2019). Untangling a web of interactions where surf meets Coastal Ocean. Eos, 100. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019eo122141 link
Pizzo, N., & Kendall Melville, W. (2019). Focusing deep-water surface gravity wave packets: Wave breaking criterion in a simplified model. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 873, 238–259. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2019.428 pdf
Pizzo, N., Melville, W. K., & Deike, L. (2019). Lagrangian transport by nonbreaking and breaking deep-water waves at the ocean surface. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(4), 983–992. https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-18-0227.1 pdf
2018 Publications
Deike, L., & Melville, W. K. (2018). Gas transfer by breaking waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(19). https://doi.org/10.1029/2018gl078758 pdf
Grare, L., Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2018). Vertical profiles of the wave-induced airflow above ocean surface waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48(12), 2901–2922. https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-18-0121.1 pdf
Young, A. P., Flick, R. E., Gallien, T. W., Giddings, S. N., Guza, R. T., Harvey, M., Lenain, L., Ludka, B. C., Melville, W. K., & O’Reilly, W. C. (2018). Southern California coastal response to the 2015–2016 el niño. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(11), 3069–3083. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018jf004771 pdf
2017 Publications
Deike, L., L. Lenain, and W. K. Melville, 2017: Air Entrainment by Breaking Waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 3779-3787. pdf
Deike, L., N. E. Pizzo, and W. K. Melville, 2017: Lagrangian Transport by Breaking Surface Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 829, 364-391. pdf
Lenain, L., and W. K. Melville, 2017: Evidence of Sea-State Dependence of Aerosol Concentration in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47, 69-84. pdf
Lenain, L., and W. K. Melville, 2017: Measurements of the Directional Spectrum across the Equilibrium Saturation Ranges of Wind-Generated Surface Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47, 2123-2138. pdf
Pizzo, N. E., 2017: Surfing Surface Gravity Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 823, 316-328. pdf
Romero, L., L. Lenain, and W. K. Melville, 2017: Observations of Surface Wave-Current Interaction. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47, 615-632. pdf
2016 Publications
Bresnahan, P. J., T. Wirth, T. R. Martz, et al, 2016: A Sensor Package for Mapping pH and Oxygen from Mobile Platforms. Methods in Oceanography, 17, 1-13. pdf
Deike, L., W. K. Melville, and S. Popinet, 2016: Air Entrainment and Bubble Statistics in Breaking Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 801, 91-129. pdf
Grare, L., L. Lenain, and W. K. Melville, 2016: The Influence of the Wind Direction on Campbell Scientific CSAT3 and GILL R3-50 Sonic Anemometers Measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33, 2477-2497. pdf
Melville, W. K., L. Lenain, D. R. Cayan, et al 2016: The Modular Aerial Sensing System. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33, 1169-1184. pdf
Pizzo, N. E., L. Deike, and W. K. Melville, 2016: Current Generation by Deep-Water Breaking Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 803, 275-291. pdf
Pizzo, N. E. and W. K. Melville, 2016: Wave Modulation: the Geometry, Kinematics, and Dynamics of Surface-Wave Packets. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 803, 292-312. pdf
Reineman, B. D., L. Lenain, and W. K. Melville, 2016: The Use of Ship-Launched Fixed-Wing UAVs for Measuring the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Ocean Surface Processes. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33, 2029-2052. pdf
2015 Publications
Deike, L., S. Popinet, and W. K. Melville, 2015: Capillary Effects on Wave Breaking. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 769, 541-569. pdf
Melville, W. K., and A. V. Fedorov, 2015: The Equilibrium Dynamics and Statistics of Gravity-Capillary Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 767, 449-466. pdf
Sutherland, P., and W. K. Melville, 2015: Field Measurements of Surface and Near-Surface Turbulence in the Presence of Breaking Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, 943-965. pdf
Sutherland, P., and W. K. Melville, 2015: Measuring Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation at a Wavy Sea Surface. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 32, 1498-1514. pdf
2014 Publications
Lenain, L., and W. K. Melville, 2014: Autonomous Surface Vehicle Measurements of the Ocean’s Response to Tropical Cyclone Freda. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31, 2169-2190. pdf
Clark, D. B., L. Lenain, F. Feddersen, E. Boss, and R. T. Guza, 2014: Aerial Imaging of Fluorescent Dye in the Near Shore. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31, 1410-1421. pdf
2013 Publications
Pizzo, N. E., and W. K. Melville, 2013: Vortex Generation by Deep-Water Breaking Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,734, 198-218. pdf
Sutherland, P., and W. K. Melville, 2013: Field Measurements and Scaling of Ocean Surface Wave-Breaking Statistics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 734, 3074-3079. pdf
Grare, L., L. Lenain, and W. K. Melville, 2013: Wave-Coherent Airflow and Critical Layers Over Ocean Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43, 2156-2172. pdf
Reineman, B. D., L. Lenain, N. Statom, and W. K. Melville, 2013: Development and Testing of Instrumentation for UAV-Based Flux Measurements within Terrestrial and Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layers. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30, 1295-1319. pdf
2012 Publications
Dickey, T., M. L. Banner, P. Bhandari, et al., 2012: Introduction to Special Section on Recent Advances in the Study of Optical Variability in the Near-Surface and Upper Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 117, C7. pdf
Romero, L., W. K. Melville, J.M. Kleiss: Spectral Energy Dissipation Due to Surface-Wave Breaking. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 42, 1421-1444. pdf
Sullivan, P., L. Romero, J. C. McWilliams, and W. K. Melville, 2012: Transient Evolution of Langmuir Turbulence in Ocean Boundary Layers Driven by Hurricane Winds and Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 42, 1959-1980. pdf
Huang, Z.-C., L. Lenain, W. K. Melville, J. H. Middleton, B. Reineman, N. Statom, and R. M. McCabe, 2012: Dissipation of Wave Energy and Turbulence in a Shallow Coral Reef Lagoon. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 117, C03015. pdf
Huang, Z.-C., B. D. Reineman, L. Lenain, W. K. Melville, and J. H. Middleton, 2012: Airborne Lidar Measurements of Wave Energy Dissipation in a Coral Reef Lagoon System. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 117, C03016. pdf
Huang, Z.-C., Hwang, K., Lenain, L., Melville, W., & Hwung, H., 2012: Measurements of Surface Kinematics and Temperature in the Surf and Swash Zones Using Infrared Image Velocimetry. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), currents.55. pdf
2011 Publications
Romero, L., W. K. Melville, 2011: Spatial Statistics of the Sea Surface in Fetch-Limited Conditions. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41, 1821-1841. pdf
Kleiss, J. M., W. K. Melville, 2011: The Analysis of Sea Surface Imagery for Whitecap Kinematics. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 28, 219-243. pdf
Veron, F., W. K. Melville, L. Lenain, 2011: The Effects of Small-Scale Turbulence on Air-Sea Heat Flux. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41, 205-220. pdf
Veron, F., W. K. Melville, and L. Lenain, 2011: Corrigendum. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41, 1915-1916.pdf
2010 Publications
Melville, W. K.: Beyond Scanning the Surface. International Innovation. pdf
McCabe, R. M., P. Estrade, J.H. Middleton, et al., 2010: Temperature Variability in a Shallow, Tidally Isolated Coral Reef Lagoon. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 115, C12011. pdf
Romero, L., W. K. Melville, 2010: Airborne Observations of Fetch-Limited Waves in the Gulf of Tehuantepec. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40, 441-465. pdf
Romero, L., W. K. Melville, 2010: Numerical Modeling of Fetch-Limited Waves in the Gulf of Tehuantepec. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40, 466-486. pdf
Kleiss, J. M., W. K. Melville: Observations of Wave Breaking Kinematics in Fetch-Limited Seas. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40, 2575-2604. pdf
2009 Publications
Reineman, B. D., L. Lenain, D. Castel, W. K. Melville, 2009: A Portable Airborne Scanning Lidar System for Ocean and Coastal Applications. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26, 2626-2641. pdf
Fedorov, A. V., W. K. Melville, 2009: A Model of Strongly Forced Wind Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 2502-2522. pdf
Piskozub, J., D. Stramski, E. Terrill, et al., 2009: Small-Scale Effects of Underwater Bubble Clouds on Ocean Reflectance: 3-D modeling results. Optics Express, 17, 11747-11752. pdf
Drazen, D. A., W. K. Melville, 2009: Turbulence and Mixing in Unsteady Breaking Surface Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,628, 85-119. pdf
2008 Publications
Drazen D. A., W. K. Melville, L. Lenain, 2008: Inertial Scaling of Dissipation in Unsteady Breaking Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 611, 307-332. pdf
Veron, F., W. K. Melville, L. Lenain, 2008: Wave-Coherent Air-Sea Heat Flux. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38, 788-802. pdf
Veron, F., W. K. Melville, L. Lenain, 2008: Infrared Techniques for Measuring Ocean Surface Processes. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25, 307-326. pdf
Veron, F., W. K. Melville, L. Lenain, 2008: Wave Modulated Turbulent Fields at the Ocean Surface and Related Air-Sea Flux. Proceedings of the Conference on Water Waves Theory and Experiment, 49-68. pdf
2007 Publications
Sullivan, P. P., J. C. McWilliams, W. K. Melville, 2007: Surface Gravity Wave Effects in the Oceanic Boundary Layer: Large-Eddy Simulation with Vortex Force and Stochastic Breakers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 593, 405-452. pdf
2006 Publications
Helfrich, K. R., W. K. Melville, 2006: Long Nonlinear Internal Waves. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 38, 395-425. pdf
2005 Publications
Young, I. R., M. L. Banner, M.A. Donelan, A. V. Babanin, W. K. Melville, F. Veron, 2005: An Integrated System for the Study of Wind-Wave Source Terms in Finite-Depth Water. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22, 814-831. pdf
2004 Publications
Piskozub, J., D. Stramski, E. Terrill, W.K. Melville, 2004: Influence of Forward and Multiple Light Scatter on the Measurement of Beam Attenuation in Highly Scattering Marine Environments. Applied Optics, 43, 4723-4731. pdf
Melville, W. K., F. C. Filizardo, P. Matusov, 2004: Wave Slope and Wave Age Effects in Measurements of Electromagnetic Bias.Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 109, C07018. pdf
Sullivan, P. P., J. C. Mcwilliams, W. K. Melville, 2004: The Oceanic Boundary Layer Driven by Wave Breaking with Stochastic Variability. Part 1. Direct numerical simulations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 507, 143-174. pdf
2003 Publications
Kumar, R., D. Steamer, W. K. Melville, P. Janssen, 2003: Electromagnetic Bias Estimates Based on TOPEX, Buoy, and Wave Model Data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 108, 3351. pdf
2002 Publications
Melville, W. K., P. Matusov, 2002: Distribution of Breaking Waves at the Ocean Surface. Nature, 417, 58-63. pdf
Melville, W. K., F. Veron, C. J. White, 2002: The Velocity Field Under Breaking Waves: Coherent Structures and Turbulence.Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 454, 202-233. pdf
2001 Publications
Veron, F., W. K. Melville, 2001: Experiments on the Stability and Transition of Wind-Driven Water Surfaces. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 446, 25-65. pdf
Terrill, E. J., W. K. Melville, D. Stramski, 2001: Bubble Entrainment by Breaking Waves and Their Influence on Optical Scattering in the Upper Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 106, 16815-16823. pdf
Veron, F., W. K. Melville, 2001: Remote Observations of the Initial Generation of Surface Waves. IGARSS 2001 Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future Proceedings IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2, 961-963. pdf
2000 Publications
Fedorov, A. V., W. K. Melville, 2000: Kelvin Fronts on the Equatorial Thermocline. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 30, 1692-1705. pdf
Terrill, E. J. W. K. Melville, 2000: A Broadband Acoustic Technique for Measuring Bubble Size Distributions: Laboratory and Shallow Water Measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 17, 220-239. pdf
1995-1999 Publications
Veron, F., W. K. Melville, 1999: Pulse-to-Pulse Coherent Doppler Measurements of Waves and Turbulence. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 16, 1580-1597. pdf
Rozenberg, A. D., M. J. Ritter, W. K. Melville, C. C. Gottschall, A. V Smirnov, 1999: Free and Bound Capillary Waves as Microwave Scatterers: Laboratory Studies. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remoter Sensing, 37, 1052-1065. pdf
Fedorov, A. V., W. K. Melville, A. Rozenberg, 1998: An Experimental and Numerical Study of Parasitic Capillary Waves.Physics of Fluids, 10, 1315-1323. pdf
Rogers, D. P., C. E. Dorman, K. A. Edwards, I. M. Brooks, W. K. Melville, S. D. Burk, W. T. Thompson, T. Holt, L. M. Strom, M. Tjernstrom, B. Grisogono, J. M. Bane, W. A. Nuss, B. M. Morley, A. J. Schanot, 1998: Highlights of Coastal Waves 1996. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 79, 1307-1326. pdf
Melville, W. K., R. Shear, F. Veron, 1998: Laboratory Measurements of the Generation and Evolution of Langmuir Circulations.Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 364, 31-58. pdf
Fedorov, A. V., W. K. Melville, 1998: Nonlinear Gravity-Capillary Waves with Forcing and Dissipation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 354, 1-42. pdf
Rozenberg, A., P. Matusov, W. K. Melville, 1998: Polarized Microwave Scattering by Surface Water Waves and Turbulence.IGARSS ’98 Sensing and Managing the Environment 1998 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings, 4, 2273-2275. pdf
Terrill, E., W. K. Melville, 1997: Sound-Speed Measurements in the Surface-Wave Layer. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102, 2607-2625. pdf
Rozenberd, A. D., D. C. Quigley, W. K. Melville, 1996: Laboratory Study of Polarized Microwave Scattering by Surface Waves at Grazing Incidence: The Influence of Long Waves. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 34, 1331-1342. pdf
Fedorov, A. V., W. K. Melville, 1996: Hydraulic Jumps at Boundaries in Rotating Fluids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 324, 55-82. pdf
Melville, W. K., 1996: The Role of Surface-Wave Breaking in Air-Sea Interaction. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 28, 279-321. pdf
Rozenberg, A., W. K. Melville, M. Ritter, 1996: Laboratory Study of Fine Structure of Breaking Waves for Scatterometry Applications. IGARSS ’96 1996 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Remote Sensing for a Sustainable Future, 4, 2204-2206. pdf
Fedorov, A. V., W. K. Melville, 1995: Propagation and Breaking of Nonlinear Kelvin Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography,25, 2518-2531. pdf
Rozenberg, A. D., D. C. Quigley, W. K. Melville, 1995: Laboratory Study of Polarized Scattering by Surface-Waves at Grazing-Incidence: Part 1 – Wind Waves. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 33, 1037-1046. pdf
Lamarre, E., W. K. Melville, 1995: Instrumentation for the Measurement of Sound Speed Near the Ocean Surface. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 12, 317-329. pdf
Filizardo, F. C., W. K. Melville, 1995: Correlations Between Ambient Noise and the Ocean Surface-Wave Field. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, 513-532. pdf
Arnold, D. V., W. K. Melville, R. H. Stewart, J. A. Kong, W. C. Keller, E. Lamarre, 1995: Measurements of Electromagnetic Bias at Ku-Bands and C-Bands. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 100, 969-980. pdf
1990-1994 Publications
Lamarre, E., W. K. Melville, 1994: Sound-Speed Measurements Near the Ocean Surface. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96, 3605-3616. pdf
Lamarre, E., W. K. Melville, 1994: Void-Fraction Measurements and Sound-Speed Fields in Bubble Plumes Generated by Breaking Waves. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 95, 1317-1328. pdf
Loewen, M. R., W. K. Melville, 1994: An Experimental Investigation of the Collective Oscillations of Bubble Plumes Entrained by Breaking Waves. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 95, 1329-1343. pdf
Melville, W. K., 1994: Energy Dissipation by Breaking Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24, 2041-2049. pdf
Renouard, D. P., G. G. Tomasson, W. K. Melville, 1993: An Experimental and Numerical Study of Nonlinear Internal Waves. Physics of Fluids, 5, 1401-1411. pdf
Lamarre, E., W. K. Melville, 1992: Instrumentation for the Measurement of Void-Fraction in Breaking Waves: Laboratory and Field Results. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 17, 204-215. pdf
Jun, Z., W. K. Melville, 1992: On the Stability of Weakly Nonlinear Short Waves on Finite-Amplitude Long Gravity-Waves.Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 243, 51-72. pdf
Tomasson, G. G., W. K. Melville, 1992: Geostrophic Adjustment in a Channel – Nonlinear and Dispersive Effects. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 241, 23-57. pdf
Zhou, D., E. S. Chan, W. K. Melville, 1991: Wave Impact Pressures on Vertical Cylinders. Applied Ocean Research, 13, 220-234. pdf
Tomasson, G. G., W. K. Melville, 1991: Flow Past a Constriction in a Channel – a Modal Description. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 232, 21-45. pdf
Loewen, M. R., W. K. Melville, 1991: A Model of the Sound Generated by Breaking Waves. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 90, 2075-2080. pdf
Lamarre, E., W. K. Melville, 1991: Air Entrainment and Dissipation in Breaking Waves. Nature, 351, 469-472. pdf
Loewen, M. R., W. K. Melville, 1991: Microwave Backscatter and Acoustic Radiation from Breaking Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 224, 601-623. pdf
Jessup, A. T., W. K. Melville, W.C. Keller, 1991: Breaking Waves Affecting Microwave Backscatter. 1. Detection and Verification.Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 96, 20547-20559. pdf
Jessup, A. T., W. K. Melville, W. C. Keller, 1991: Breaking Waves Affecting Microwave Backscatter. 2. Dependence on Wind and Wave Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 96, 20561-20569. pdf
Melville, W. K., R. H. Stewart, W. C. Keller, et al., 1991: Measurements of Electromagnetic Bias in Radar Altimetry. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 96, 4915-4924. pdf
Zhang, J., W. K. Melville, 1990: Evolution of Weakly Nonlinear Short Waves Riding on Long Gravity-Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 214, 321-346. pdf
Jessup, A. T., W. C. Keller, W. K. Melville, 1990: Measurements of Sea Spikes in Microwave Backscatter at Moderate Incidence.Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 95, 9679-9688. pdf
Melville, W. K., D. P. Renouard, X. Zhang, 1990: On the Generation of Nonlinear Internal Kelvin Waves in a Rotating Channel.Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 95, 18247-18254. pdf
Rapp, R. J., W. K. Melville, 1990: Laboratory Measurements of Deep-Water Breaking Waves. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 331, 735-800. pdf
Tomasson, G. G., W. K. Melville, 1990: Nonlinear and Dispersive Effects in Kelvin Waves. Physics of Fluids, 2, 189-193. pdf
1985-1989 Publications
Melville, W. K., G. G. Tomasson, D. P. Renouard, 1989: On the Stability of Kelvin Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 206, 1-23.pdf
Melville, W. K., M. R. Loewen, F. C. Filizardo, et al., 1988: Acoustic and Microwave Signatures of Breaking Waves. Nature, 336, 54-56. pdf
Melville, W. K., R. J. Rapp, 1988: The Surface Velocity-Field in Steep and Breaking Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 189, 1-22. pdf
Dommermuth, D. G., D. K. P. Yue, W. M. Lin, et al., 1988: Deep-Water Plunging Breakers – a Comparison Between Potential-Theory and Experiments. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 189, 423-442. pdf
Melville, W. K., K. R. Helfrich, 1987: Transcritical 2-Layer Flow Over Topography. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 178, 31-52. pdf
Zhang, J., W. K. Melville, 1987: Three-Dimensional Instabilities of Nonlinear Gravity Capillary Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,174, 187-208. pdf
Zhang, J., W. K. Melville, 1986: On the Stability of Weakly-Nonlinear Gravity-Capillary Waves. Wave Motion, 8, 439-454. pdf
Helfrich, K. R., W. K. Melville, 1986: On Long Nonlinear Internal Waves Over Slope Shelf Topography. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 167, 285-308. pdf
Melville, W. K., R. J. Rapp, 1985: Momentum Flux in Breaking Waves. Nature, 317, 514-516. pdf
1980-1984 Publications
Helfrich, K. R., W. K. Melville, J. W. Miles, 1984: On Interfacial Solitary Waves Over Slowly Varying Topography. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 149, 305-317. pdf
Shum, K. T., W. K. Melville, 1984: Estimates of the Joint Statistics of Amplitudes and Periods of Ocean Waves Using an Integral Transform Technique. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 89, 6467-6476. pdf
Melville, W. K., 1983: Wave Modulation and Breakdown. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 128, 489-506. pdf
Melville, W. K., 1982: The Instability and Breaking of Deep-Water Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 115, 165-185. pdf
Melville, W. K., 1980: On the Mach Reflection of a Solitary Wave. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 98, 285-297. pdf
1972-1979 Publications
Chang, P., W. K. Melville, J. W. Miles, 1979: Evolution of a Solitary Wave in a Gradually Varying Channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 95, 401-414. pdf
Melville, W. K., K. N. C. Bray, 1979: A Model of the Two-Phase Turbulent Jet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 22, 647-656. pdf
Melville, W. K., K. N. C. Bray, 1979: Two-Phase Turbulent Jet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 22, 279-287. pdf
Melville, W. K., 1977: Wind Stress and Roughness Length Over Breaking Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 7, 702-710. pdf
Buchwald, V. T., W. K. Melville, 1977: Resonance of Shelf Waves Near Islands. Conference on Waves on Water of Variable Depth, 202-205. pdf
Banner, M. L., W. K. Melville, 1976: Separation of Air-Flow Over Water-Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 77, 825-842. pdf
Melville, W. K., V. T. Buchwald, 1976: Oscillations of the Gulf of Carpentaria. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 6, 394-398.pdf
Melville, W. K., 1972: Use of Loaded-Sphere Molecular Model for Computer Simulation of Diatomic Gases. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 51, 571-583. pdf