Innershelf Department Research Initiative (ISDRI)

To understand and predict the exchange of water properties (heat, gases, sediment, pollutants, biota) across the inner shelf over a range of temporal and spatial scales, the Office of Naval Research Inner Shelf Dynamics Departmental Research Initiative (Inner Shelf DRI) is coordinating field observations (in situ and remote sensing) coupled to numerical modeling efforts on a 50-km section of coast off Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, located in the vicinity of Point Sal. The overall goal is to develop and improve the predictive capability of a range of numerical models to simulate the 3D circulation, density, and surface wave field across the inner shelf associated with a broad array of physical processes and complex bathymetry. The MASS instrument package was used during both the pilot and main experiment timelines to measure the incoming ocean surface wave field and ocean surface temperature structure in the vicinity of Point Sal to support the various insitu measurements collected by the other participating groups.


Point Sal, California


September 2017 (main experiment) and June/July 2015 (pilot experiment)


Main website and blog:

Main Experiment (September 2017)

Pilot Experiment (June/July 2015)